The deeper I get into my studies, the longer I sit with the plants, the more I listen to my own body & the more people I talk with about their health, their lives, their intricate stories…the more I realise how I have only just, ever-so-slightly opened the door to something so much bigger. Something that will continually expand me, in a multitude of ways across this lifetime.
Witnessing myself become a patchwork composed of the threads of everyone I’ve crossed paths with, every piece of knowledge shared, every opinion voiced, every practice observed…knitting together how I wish to show up in the world, for myself and for others. I’m realising that as I’m giving so much time & energy working towards becoming a qualified naturopath, there’s nothing that feels less fitting than calling myself a “health expert.” I don’t want to be an expert at all.
I want to remain open, receptive, learning…always. I never want to sit across from someone & tell them how to “get better” or that I have more knowledge of their bodies than they do themselves. I simply want to be a mirror that reflects an empowered capacity for healing. To gently hold their hand while they move through the stages. To softly address the obstacles that come up.
There’s such a goal-orientated focus on healing in the modern health & wellness realms, when really I think the more heart-centred, true medicine comes from the hope found in the depths of this process…a lifelong process of regaining trust & connection with our bodies, our minds & our communities.
Learning, unlearning & relearning, again & again.